Friday, September 25, 2009

Living with Heaven in mind

Welcome fellow One another-ers

Clicking on the blog post title will bring up a download window. You can also go to the BUCKIT week page at if you would like to listen to the rest of the audio from this conference. BUCKIT -Bible University Christian Knowledge Intensive Training- a week of challenging messages for all believers. The message linked is by J. B. Nicholson and is titled "Stuff" taken from Matthew 5, 6, and 19. Enjoy.

I posted this link here because this message, the topic is so relevant to the idea of one anothering. I have found myself prodding many folks to listen to this message, and I feel it is worth the time. I think it is an essential teaching in the 21st century church. Download it, listen before you go to bed, on a jog, at work (as long as it is not a distraction) but make time. I believe an earnest student that listens to this will be challenged to truly walk each day as the Lord Jesus walked. I know stories that have come from application of this teaching and have encouraged me greatly.

What if the church of 2009 looked like Acts 2:42-47? (Don't skip any verses)Do we take meals together, remember the Lord at His table, or give to those in need of our own rather than just hording our stuff and looking in pity at others. All we have came from God, and even the poor have something to offer (the widow's mite).

For those who went to BUCKIT week, or have put this into practice, PLEASE send me stories of how you have put this into practice. One need not be a writer or eloquent speaker to tell a story, just have a heart full of love for our Savior and desire to bring Him glory. I have asked before for stories and input, know that this is not a one way street, I desire to be encouraged, challenged, and would like to have a colaborer in this work. Let me know if you have a desire to help.

On a side note, I would like to throw this out there. I know many people are very busy with family, ministry, school, work. I understand and do not desire to criticize. For those who have time to kill, and spend hours a day playing video games, watching TV, and other hobbies (which are not bad, don't get me wrong) maybe consider taking an hour a week to listen to sermons/messages that are available online. Voices for Christ has thousands of messages available by speaker, topic, conference. I have messages available here by myself and a few brothers in Maine.

When we gave up TV, my wife and I started listening to more sermons. We have found it challenging and enjoyable. Often a message we heard before is brought to new light and more easily applied after having some time to think about it. If I had one suggestion, it would be to make more time in God's Word and hearing from God's men as they share from it. Make no mistake about it, if we don't invest in learning how to live from those who labor over the Word, we are shorting ourselves of blessings and fruit for the Lord. Witnessing, sharing the Gospel is another area we tend to not have time for. Let's examine often our schedules to see if we are being the most effective we can to grow in Christ and be about His business until He comes.

God's Word will change your life, but only if you read it, study it, and put it into practice.

In Christian love,


  1. This is good, Mark. Christians are so blessed with wonderful ministry from God's men. All through the years we have been fed 'wonderful meals' from God's word. May God forgive ME for not putting it all into practice each step of the way; meal by meal. Thank you for following-up on God's call for you to encourage saints, to give us reminders of what we have heard, what we have known but, as yet, have not fully obeyed.
    I clicked on the link of the message you mentioned from BUCKIT week and was expecting ONE message and was very surprised to see all the messages from 2 years. Lots of good teaching ahead...... THANKS and GOD BLESS you.

  2. It is a privilege to serve the body in whatever way I can. I know how God has changed my heart as I continue to try to put into practice a Christlike attitude in all things. I still have too many days that I have failed in many ways, but by God's grace we continue on, being built up into the fulness of the head, my beloved Savior, Jesus.
