Monday, August 9, 2010

A church is a family in Christ

Our next point in considering the Biblical pattern for churches is "One anothering"

2. A church body is a family united in Christ for His glory.
Scripture to consider: John 13:35, 15:12, 17; Galatians 6:10; Acts 2:42-47; Romans 12:10, 13; Ephesians 4:15-16; Philippians 2:1-4; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

The local church is described as a body and as a family – loving one another, caring for each other's needs, working together, encouraging and exhorting one another, accountable to one another. The term "one another" is used dozens of times in instructing the church. Some of the references are positive "love one another" and others are negative, "Do not bite and devour one another". Christians should be known for their love for one another, the expression of a family not formed by physical birth, but spiritual birth.

As we look into some of the references of "one anothering" in the body of Christ, we must all examine ourselves to see if we are following the example  and instruction of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Not only will we get along with each other better, but our testimony to those who do not yet know Jesus personally will give glory to God. Too often, we hear that Christians are hypocritical, just putting on a show, making ourselves feel better. Let us all be honest with ourselves in considering this point of the church pattern from God's Word. If we were to follow all these "one another" passages each and every day of our lives, I believe it would change the world!

Do you consider everyone in your church as family? Does this carry out beyond the  walls of whatever home or building you meet in, to every man, woman, and child that is called by the name of Christ? Do you think that most Christians accept others as all part of one family of God?

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