Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The experiment part of this "one anothering"

I am so excited to see all the people following the blog and joining the facebook group. It has been a whole 5 days since this started, and 139 people have joined the Facebook group. I pray that as we work together, we can find a way to implement the teachings of God's Word in this area.

Justin Humes, my best friend and ministry partner, wrote the following:

Submitting to one another (Phil. 2:3-4, & all those one anothers I spoke of in California) has lots of Scripture, but very little practical examples for people to follow. Brainstorm: find another brother/couple or two willing to go in together on taking this challenge - pick 1 or 2 'one-anothers' and commit to whole-heartedly practicing them to the whole body for a month. Hold each other accountable and really go all out, then discuss what the results were at the end.

The challenge is laid out there, and that is the challenge we are looking for folks to join. Key words to note here are "whole-heartedly, committed, and accountable" This simple email between friends has sparked interest from all over. I originally sent emails to one brother and one sister in Christ. The intent is to find ways to reach out within the church body and follow the teachings we all know about yet often disregard. In our experiences, we have seen good examples of some of these traits in every church. Yet none of us have arrived yet, and thus have much more work to do to become who God wants us to be.

I have posted teaching and Scripture to think about. Most of those following have done so for a few days. With that in mind, I have a few questions:

Do you have a "one another" in mind yet?

Have you prayed about how to put these into practice?

If you have picked one, have you started practicing it?

Would you like more teaching on specifics with examples?

If you have picked one, don't forget to write and let me know. This is not meant to be Mark writing and teaching and everyone listening. If you wish to contribute an article,please email it to me at oneanothering@gmail.com. If you simply wish to give comment on a teaching, use the comment section on the blog page.

Facebook users: join the group "One anothering in the body of Christ" and contribute on the message boards, wall posts, etc. Encourage one another by sharing your stories both present and past, along with your plans to reach out in Christians love.

Non-Facebook users: I would encourage you to consider joining Facebook. As with any online community, there are traps of misuse and spending too much time on the computer. Facebook can also be a very useful tool. I keep up with Christians all over the world with Facebook. The group "One anothering in the body of Christ" is a good example, I hope, of how the computer can be used for edification of the church.

I just wanted to check in, so many new people to meet. Will be sharing more later. Thanks for taking part.


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